World Bee Day 2024 is more important this year more than ever, EZ Hampers have always championed movement towards sustainability and environmentally conscious purchases. Our aim has always been to help our local community facilitate that change.
Did you know?
“Nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world’s food crops and 35% of global agricultural land.” – UN World Bee Day, click here to read more.
Ways to celebrate World Bee Day 2024 with EZ Hampers
Buying from local honey sellers
- This has so many benefits you might not even be aware of. It is very beneficial healthwise as honey purchased from a local hive should better protect hayfever sufferers, even a spoonful a day has been proven to dramatically reduce symptoms of hayfever.
- Also, local honey is thought to have a lot more nutritional value than generic honey, as it has not been tainted by pesticides.
- Local honey is much better for the environment, both in the distance generic supermarket honey has to travel but also supports your local environment by maintaining the bee population in the area and allowing them to pollinate so local plants and crops can thrive.
- Lastly, it tastes better, most honeys that have had to travel a significant distance to be sold will often be pasteurised so that visually it does not develop crystals. All honey will last indefinitely so there is no need to add anything to them.

Buying from local foragers
Our company Forager’s Fancy, would not exist without bees pollinating the plants in the local area. Most significantly our wild honey products have been the most popular, and couldn’t be possible without local bees.
Our most popular from Forager’s Fancy is without a doubt our Wild Garlic Salt, the perfect addition to any dish. Whether you are using it in your cooking or as a garnish, it will ensure your dish is brimming with flavour.
Forager’s Fancy say – “Perfect with mushrooms or sweet potato fries. Great as a base ingredient cooking with onions. Tasty in soups and pasta.”